Please check all the details and the delivery area. All shipping methods except EMS are subject to loss or damage, and all shipping methods will receive a tracking number.
Last Update : 24.12.06, 19:47(KST)
When will my order ship?
- Delivery is conducted only 2~4 times a month, that is, once a week. The product(which is products are ready) that hasn't been delivered will be delayed to next week.
- In the case of pre-ordered products, the product will be delivered when the product is ready. Each product has a different preparation period, so please refer to the details of the product.
Parcel(Standard Shipping) - air
Parcel(Standard Shipping) - ship
Non-Reception Area(EU and more)
Oh No! The delivery area has been changed to an impossible area!
If you live in the UK or Brazil, make sure to check this out!